We offer fast and effective customized training in German, English and Chinese in China and Germany. In doing so, we distinguish ourselves by the highest level of professionalism, substantiated and practice-relevant content and access to decision-makers in business, science, politics and culture.
Based on our many years of international work experience and our experience with international clients, we understand what global decision-makers are interested in and how it should be communicated. In our training programs, we therefore rely on the best of two worlds – knowledge on theories and fundamentals at the highest scientific level and direct insights into current developments, needs and best practice of decision makers in business, media, culture and politics.
German dual education is a form of practical education in which apprentices learn all the practical aspects of their job in companies and the theory in vocational school. More than half of an age cohort choose this type of training.
This particular system is gaining attention worldwide, as it contributes significantly to the qualification of skilled workers in Germany, and youth unemployment in Germany is very low by global standards (2017: 6.6%).
In the past years, dual education has also been offered on a university level, where students, in addition to attending university, also complete practical training in a company.
Dual education is an excellent opportunity for German and international companies to train well-qualified specialists themselves. While certainly not one-to-one, this system can be applied in its core elements in other countries as well. In China, German companies often work together with the German Chamber of Commerce Abroad(AHK) to build up training programs that are also popular.
In our trainings, you can find out about the following aspects of dual education:
– Dual education and dual studies
– Development of dual education
– Legal framework and recognition
– The most important players in dual training
– Visit of example companies
– Visit to a vocational school
– Visit to a dual university
Electric mobility is on everyone's lips, and every day you read new announcements about high investment by companies in and outside the automotive industry. However, there is still no coherent overall concept of how e-mobility can be implemented in Germany.
Learn more about: – Political framework for e-mobility in Germany and Europe ![]() ![]() |
Small and medium-sized enterprises not only contribute significantly to the innovative capacity of the German economy, they also create many jobs. In particular, start-ups in the digital economy have produced many innovations in recent years.
In Germany, vibrant founder scenes are developing in more and more regions. In particular, Berlin has been considered as Europe's founding metropole for some years now and ranks second behind investor funds in London. In recent years, up to 17,000 jobs have been created through start-ups, and start-ups employ an average of 18 workers.
In our programs, you can get to know the following aspects around the topic of start-ups and entrepreneurship:
– The founding landscape in Germany
– Regulations, conditions and support for founders
– Founding programs at universities
– Visit of start-ups according to topic and industry interests
– Matchmaking, Dating, Investment Opportunities
Family businesses are considered the backbone of the German economy. Germany has a long tradition of family businesses.
91 percent of all German companies are family-controlled companies. They generate 55 percent of sales and make up about 57 percent of all employment subject to social security contributions in Germany. Succession in the family business is a complex process and is often a true balancing act for everyone involved - family, companies and owners. Over the next few years, around 240,000 successors will be sought in Germany.
In our programs, you will learn more about the theoretical basics and practical experiences:
– Management and leadership in family businesses
– World market leaders and hidden champions
– Corporate and social responsibility of family businesses
– Financial, legal, fiscal and emotional factors in the generation change
– Examples of successful and failed successions
While "Industry 4.0" is primarily about transforming production processes with a variety of digital technologies and products, digitization is going much further and also affects industries that believe themselves “still on the safe side”.
The last few years have shown that no industry will be spared. It will increasingly be about how we digitalize routine processes completely, while digitally supporting more complex processes.
This development is a major change for the economy, which we can only master if we think outside the box and put our business models to the test. Technology is becoming more and more complex, processes are undergoing radical change, employees need to adapt to new forms of work under the headline "Work 4.0", and social, societal and ethical issues need to be discussed.
We offer lectures on topics in the fields of technology, management, Work 4.0 and social issues. Please request our full list of topics at info(@)finiens.net.
Anyone who has an understanding of psychology leads better and more effectively. This is all the more true in international organizations where different cultural and organizational ideas collide.
What factors affect employee satisfaction in the workplace and what are the differences between Germany and China? How does HR development work and which tools are necessary? What are the processes of mergers and acquisitions, and why are so few mergers successful? Our training offers a systematic and well-founded introduction to work and organizational psychology. With practical cases, your questions are answered comprehensibly and in detail. |
Almost all companies active in Germany and Europe have to deal with German and European antitrust law. It is not just about cartel issues in the strict sense, but also about unfair competition and merger control.
Anyone interested in founding or buying a business in Europe should be thoroughly informed about the legal framework. The program is also suitable for government decision makers who would like to take the experience from Germany or Europe for their own work.
Mergers & acquisitions remain complex and, above all, exciting. The geopolitical situation, increasing political insecurity and foreclosure tendencies of individual states influence mainly international takeovers. Nevertheless, the search for M & A potential continues. Although there were fewer deals in 2018 than in the previous years, some very large deals were realized.
The motives for M & As are manifold: many companies hope for synergies and cost advantages, want to gain greater market power, or gain access to new technological know-how. In addition, speculative motives and management motives also play a role. M & A activities are increasingly being driven by institutional investors or management.
In addition, there is a trend among large German companies to concentrate more on their core business and spin off or sell side activities.
Mergers or company acquisitions are never easy. The first step is to successfully negotiate between the two partners or between seller and buyer. Subsequently, the deal must be approved by various national and international antitrust authorities and ministries. The greater foreclosure and complex antitrust procedures significantly extend the time to completion.
And finally, when all these hurdles have been removed, two organizations with different structures and, even more significantly, different cultures have to be brought together. This is the key factor for whether the expected goals can be achieved.
In our programs you can learn more about:
– Political and legal framework
– Overview of selected industries
– Opportunities for acquisitions and mergers
– Typical problems with acquisitions
– Corporate culture and change management
– Examples of successful and failed deals
Urban planning is very complex today. Housing in many major cities is scarce, migration into cities and away from the countryside continues unabated, the needs of the aging society are changing, and environmental considerations need to be incorporated.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) offer a variety of opportunities for ecologically and economically sustainable urban development, for example in the areas of housing and facility management, infrastructure, transport / mobility, energy supply, waste disposal, environmental protection and public safety.
Smart City Planning requires close collaboration between existing players and ICT experts. Many elements must be connected, data collected, processed and intelligently evaluated.
There are already many interesting projects worldwide, and it makes sense to exchange experiences in this area. In our programs you can find out about the following aspects:
– Urban planning and urban development
– Legal framework: Construction and planning law, development plan, permits
– Monuments and cultural heritage
– Mobility and infrastructure
– Smart City Planning
– Environment and sustainability
– Many sample projects for all the above topics
German universities enjoy an excellent reputation worldwide. In almost no country is the university landscape as much a state system as in Germany.
But universities also have to transform themselves: traditional subjects no longer do justice to networked society and its equally networked problems. In addition to research and teaching, German universities also have a mandate to contribute to the development of society. And at the same time, they too must master their own digital transformation.
In our intercultural trainings you will experience the famous "Aha-Effekt":
Based on history and traditions, we explain what you need to know for successful German-Chinese cooperation.
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Please contact us. We will find the right solution for you.
Your topic is not included? Please contact us. We will find the right solution for you.
We do not believe in "one size fits all". That's why we tailor each training 100% to your needs.
We know that high-level decision-makers often need to get a quick overview of a topic under time pressure and therefore want compact communication in a short time. Based on our scientific and professional experience, we can offer you programs that convey complex facts and current expert knowledge scientifically and practically in a short time.
In an iterative process we develop your program together with you, whereby we also consider cultural differences and advise you intensively for the greatest possible success of your program. In doing so, we pay particular attention to supplementing the latest scientific findings with practical experience.
Our scientific lecturers have many years of experience in adult education with national and international groups and receive the best ratings from their participants. All speakers are prepared for the specific interests and needs of each group.
Practitioners complement our programs with their in-depth knowledge of current developments and success stories from professional practice. At the same time, we would like to make possible business contacts available for the future.
Cultural program
Not only the content of the program, but also the before and after is relevant to a successful learning experience. Our programs therefore always include part of the knowledge transfer, an exchange of experience and a cultural / social program.
Organization and support
Not only good presentations, but also the organizational environment contributes significantly to a successful program. We want our participants to be well cared for and comfortable from arrival to departure. For us, this includes exchanging ideas with interesting speakers before and after the classes, showing cultural, social and culinary impressions of Germany as well as a pleasant travel environment, a smooth process and carefully selected hotels and restaurants. Throughout the program, our participants will also have access to Finiens technical support and experienced translators.
Quality assurance at all levels
We can only maintain our high level of customer satisfaction because we rigorously check the quality of our programs at all stages.
Already during the preparation we are in close consultation with our customers to ensure that the program meets the expectations of our customers. During the program there is always a competent employee on site to ensure the quality of the content and to have contact with the participants. This allows us to make small corrections and adjustments immediately. After the program, the customer satisfaction is evaluated. Your feedback helps us maintain our quality and better meet customer needs the next time around.